Friday, February 19, 2010

The Bees are Ordered!

We have placed our order for bees from a place in Utah this year.  We have ordered 2 colonies of Carniolan.  They have been promised to arrive in late April/Early May.  I've adjusted to time clock for May 1.  70 days left at this point!  ;-)

This year we cut out the middle man in our ordering and got on the list earlier, so hope we have alleviated some of the problems we had last year.  Our lonely hive sits out in the woods awaiting its residents peacefully, covered in snow!  We have started a second hive.  This time we are building a Warre hive.  This is also a top-bar hive,  just of a different style.  So it still supports our previous posts about our philosophy regarding top-bar hives.  We have just barely gotten that hive started, so I'll follow up with photos as the progress goes along.  We decided to order two colonies this year because of our dismal experience last year!  This will give us twice the chance for success.

We also have ordered chickens for this spring, and will have to build a coop in the next month or so... but I guess that is another blog!